Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Response to Pete (to be deleted after this thread)

Hey Pete,

JUST because I disagree on method does not mean I do not care for my neighbor. A little offensive to be called otherwise.

I am truly sorry to have implied that you are not Christian or caring. That was not my intention. Please forgive me for making that implication. I probably deserve a reprimand, these issues are both very passionate to the two of us. My passion makes me an occasional asshole. It shows me when it is time for me to back off. Again, I am sorry. I admit that I offended you. I have apologized in this exact manner to a few others. ...My sins are ever before me...

Simple questions for you then. 1) What should the immigration laws be, if any? eg who gets in legally? (do we even have border patrol or do we just close them down? 2) If we agree that there should be at least some minimum laws, of if there is a law you agree with, what do we call those that still break that law?

I thank God I am not a politician. I have a friend who is the Chaplain to the Idaho Senate. He is often at the US Congress, either house, offering prayers and doing guest chaplain appearances. I was sort of answering/asking those two questions as well. My friend began to speak of the Christian brotherhood/sisterhood between members of both houses. In 2006 he told me that their Christian faith never comes between their radically different party ideology. Senators Helms, Santorum and Clinton regularly prayed together and shared the word of God together in bible study.

My friend appeased my anger somewhat with Congress by citing the sincere politicians on both sides of the aisle who are serving God by serving the US. It gave me hope. It gave me a new passion to pray for them. (2006 was during Bush's administration).

So, I could dodge both questions with the same response: “Whatever it is, it must be in light of the fact that Jesus' term for them is `neighbor' and trust the politicians to fear God in the process of making those laws.”

So, perhaps we were both confused by what we were citing as either our “straw man” arguments or our illustrative reports.

Perhaps this is my answer: “We need just, compassionate, sharing the wealth, recognition of the Biblical command to the ONLY nation with Manifest Destiny to, after they possess the land, give complete and generous access to any stranger or alien. And, if said alien joined the Jewish religion, they were also immune from interest, and were able to claim freedom in 7 or on the 50th year.” That could be my answer to those questions, except the last one, whatever that lawbreaker is, he is still my neighbor and if he broke that law to serve the greater cause of justice (in the common sense) then he is free to be one of us.

This my biblical support: There is more than an OT command in Leviticus 19:33-34, there is also biblical principle (which means it trumps any other passage) that commands them to be just to strangers and aliens because of the way you were treated when you were strangers and aliens. Every single Caucasian in the Americas is an alien. We have lived here, and possessed it for a little over 200 years (I would say we had complete control after Andrew Jackson pogroms against the Native population). The native population lived here for 4-6 thousand years. It is their land. We stole it from them by murdering 160 Million of them.

As a truly Judeo/Christian nation, the least we could do after that heinous genocide is stop the practice of preventing anyone who is seeking a better life for themselves from getting the same chance that we took by force for ourselves. That is at least some repentance and acknowledgement of sin.

In my opinion, all the law really has to do is limit criminals.

3) If someone disagrees on one point of that law, what makes you right or them simply not christian?”

Again, I am so sorry that I said it that way. I own it and ask your forgiveness, my dear beloved brother. My love for you makes me want to chuck all of my newer theological constructs just so that you and I can live that dream together of being saints in our old age together.

I am paying another terrible price for these words of prophetic perspective on our Evangelical American Culture.

I have few friends left. I am gaining new ones, but we are a small community, very small and our voice is just not really heard over the shouting.

Did you know that I am still a pacifist? I would rather die than take an human life. War is evil, always evil. War is never good. It may be necessary, but if it is, it is a necessary EVIL.

And back to my “dodge” earlier because I really don't have the answer, all I have is a principle. Same with war.

I appreciate your exegesis of the good Samaritan. Good job. A parable is designed to make one point and one point only (unless it describes itself as multiple points like the seed sowed in different places).

The point, I believe is the Pharisee raising the question to justify his own lack of ability to love the enemy by asking “who is my neighbor?”

The Good Samaritan is Jesus answer to the dodge: “yeah, but just exactly who is my neighbor?”

I believe that the minute we use the term “illegal” we are contradicting the very essence of that parable since at least one of them was a hated “illegal” depending on what side of the border the crime took place. The term “illegal” is an objectifying term that contradicts the Biblical principle of “neighbor.” It isn't going to be a valid excuse in God's eyes simply because it is one way to interpret the Constitution.

I feel a call from God to warn Christians that unless our collective voices is heard as “They are STILL our neighbor” we cannot claim ourselves to be a nation based on the justice that God speaks of in the OT and explained in the NT. Again, Lev 19:35: “I AM THE LORD” meaning “btw, I am watching this one closely...”

Most Christians do not take this lightly, and think that they have an opinion that agrees with their concept of scripture. To their own master they stand or fall.”


Permit me a little 2 Corinthians Folly, if you will:

When God called me, May 30, 1979 at Oubache State Park in Bluffton, IN. We were all together. Randy and I were making plans to move to NJ. I actually heard the voice of God say to me: “Luke 4:18.” It is Jesus in the Temple quoting Isaiah 61:1ff. The last line of Luke 4:18, “ set free the oppressed...” is indeed my life's calling. Looking back, I can see it more clearly now.

It started with the only time I was ever “slain in the Spirit.” It was at Phil Mortenson's Church, but Pastor Martin was praying for me and he began to prophecy. He said: “I see three branches of ministry in your calling, and one of those branches will become the biggest...” and then I went down in the Holy Spirit. I believe that one.

At my first church, the secretary for the Blackford County Welfare Office was sort of the matriarch of the Church. Consequently, I got to do lots and lots of ministry with the County's poor. They were all white, most of them were either to stupid, mentally ill, and ignorant of how to live and budget. Not a one was lazy. Not a one was beyond help or redemption. I did a lot of good with that community until Satan was awarded the chance to sift me as wheat.

I went to work with Dave and made a shitload of money. The year I left, my income tax return was $81,000. I started the Church in September at $14,300 per year. So, I was on pace that year to make $103,000 -1988. Here was the big problem for me, we would attend sales meetings and spend thousands of dollars on one single meal with $80 bottles of cognac, whole boxes of $10 cigars given away to all the patrons in the bar. It was Roman opulence and all of that went on while the factory worker was making $8.00 and living off of food stamps and other assistance. I could not be complicit in such an evil system. There was absolutely no way any person of color could have that job at my level even though there were hundreds or thousands of black builders in St. Louis, Chicago, and Indianapolis.

I went to Pendleton and fought racism for 10 years. At the end, one of the matriarchs sisters who earlier said to me “one of them may be coming to the church, he had his wife who was white buy some property from us and we had no idea she was married to a black man.” They were Christians who are ignorant and need to understand the love and justice of God's word.

Can you imagine the joy I felt when that same couple of sisters shouted with excitement to me that they convinced the man and his wife to visit our Church? They couldn't wait to tell me! (It was right after that Promise Keepers for Clergy event that you were in Atlanta for at the same time as me. The sermon from that racial healing service was what convinced them. Thank you, btw, for helping me with those expenses!) So, my next level of setting free the oppressed was working with white people against racism.

I went to Ephrata and right away, God showed two more marginalized groups. One was women. Probably ¼ of the Mohler Church was made of families who were ex-Amish or plain Mennonite families where the women were victims of rape and incest. All of it is quiet victimization of women being brushed under the carpet that is going on in this “quaint” little tourist trap.

That Church effectively fired me for sticking up for a woman whose husband was a convicted pedophile. His victim was a 15 year old girl in the church. My youth pastor's childhood friend is in jail for trying to kill the perpetrator because it was his girlfriend that he molested. That was all 7 years before I came to the church. The man started acting out again. I got a porno demon that hassles me. In his garage with a lift and engine hoist, I was replacing the engine in John's beater car and while I was taking a break, underneath his J.C. Whitney catalogs was pubescent porn.

I kept a close eye on him. Soon he started acting out. His wife who was raised plain Mennonite and had a child out of wedlock by a rogue youth in our church, and was now attending our church with this pervert was on her “last chance” with her parents so she just stopped loving him.

He freaked out. On three occasions he threatened me with killing them. On one of those, I literally stood between him and his wife without moving while this extremely demonic force of rage was rolling over me, Kathy and this man's wife. I was close to dying that night. Very close. It was the night of the Janet Jackson boob shot at the Super Bowl.

Eventually the woman moved out and then the husband's violence forced her to divorce him. The Church fired me for that.

I got to work on setting oppressed women free.

But before that was a man who came to the US legally. His daughter married a US Citizen and he would have been legal in time if it weren't for the fact that he came from Columbia and there were terrorists in Columbia and his Visa ran out, he became “an illegal” and finally, after 8 years of working with him, right before I left PA, he got h is green card.

How I met him is Divine. He was driving down the road past our church and God told his wife to tell him to stop at my church because the pastor there would help him. God knew what God was doing.

It was blood sweat and tears. But God called me to set free the oppressed and his story of oppression is absolutely wicked. Most of it has happened here, most of it in Lancaster CO, PA. (But the worse by far was in Columbia).

I moved to Dayton to pastor a multiracial church that was racially divided. At ladies aid, the 5 black women sat at one end of the table and the 9 white women at the other end. They never intermingled.

But oh did the black families love me!

The white people at the Church came from the little town of New Lebanon. An active KKK, and its school district is named “Dixie” define the town pretty well. Most of them are Appalachians. The black people came from the Dayton Metroplex. The Family Dollar was a half a mile from the Church in the Dayton Metroplex. But, the Dixie school district residents would literally drive 15 miles to go to a “safer Family Dollar.”

How did this get there? In the 60's the Church had a very progressive pastor who marched with Dr. King. The Black folks who came to the church then are now in their 80's and they were still coming out of respect for the way that the church got integrated as a symbol in the hillbilly side of Dayton. But the head deacon, who was black, was convinced that they former pastor refused to wash his feet, changed seats and other things to make him feel like he was being discriminated against. Of course, not so with me.

They came out of a sense of loyalty but the former pastor, whose best friend was the rapist with the 15 year old girl was a committed evangelical. He appeared racist to the black members of my church. He instituted a contemporary worship service that still didn't retain the youth. It had the power and it was not convinced that doing justice was as important as saving souls. It had exchanged the Anabaptist heritage for American Christianity. All their kids were products of the Dayton Christian School and could not abide the fact that some of our churches are very liberal.

The church lost its heritage in a generation. The man who raped the minor had the money to make the change. Did I mention that he actually got over 61,000 votes in the 2010 US Senate race in Ohio? That was the 3rd highest vote count in the state after the Republican and the Democrat.

Maybe this is the source of my anger toward Conservatives. Who knows?

That last one cost me my health, my sanity, my chance for a “worldly successful” clergy career (no District Executive wants a guy who has been abused like I have been), many very dear relationships, my home with my children and grandchildren first out East and now in the Midwest, my hope of any sort of comfortable retirement and many more things. It is a complete miracle that I survived it.

But, there is a 36 year old man at that Church who still loves me dearly. He told me this: “After I came out of Dayton Christian School, I was an atheist...” With tears in his eyes he continued: “...until I met you.”

You are in a lot of pain right now with your daughter and I do not want to minimize that. So, please hear this next part in love from me: “The tragedies in my life are at the point of absurdity.” I was abducted and raped at 11, robbed and beaten almost to death in an Azars at 18. And then the bizarre issues with all the kids, John's burns, Philip's 17 leg surgeries, Timmy's tumor, Kathy's tumors, my bowel, my brain tumor, my heart attack, my mental health issues and my list goes on. The amount seems to me more than my share compared to most people that I know. That is why it seems absurd. It seems prophetically absurd to me.

But I did all that because as a man of privilege simply because he is male, white, ordained in the eyes of man and God, and by the world's standards, wealthy, I could give up my privilege to fulfill my life's calling. Maybe I shouldn't bitch and moan that others have not been put to the test like me. I know everyone is tested by their own Master and for their own Master's purpose, will and pleasure. And, that Master will indeed make that person stand, even if he is on the conserving instead of the generous (liberal) side of politics. I indeed recognize that guys like me need loving voices to balance them out.

I gave up a lot. I had a lot taken from me. And I lost a lot. But the one thing I did not do is lose my integrity. My wife, my sons, my daughter, and my mother begged me like Job's wife did. But none of my brothers ever did. Thank you! You guys know and appreciate the cost.

And simultaneously, during that time of protecting a child from a predator, black people from Christian racists, God moved me into a prison and I got to work with that same verse as well.

I have watched the general of the Aryan nation and the General of the Crypts embrace in Christian love. I am working closely with a real live German Nazi. His uncle still has a 6x9 framed in glass piece of human skin with a Nazi Tattoo number from a Jewish body hanging in his living room get set free from his evil and while he is in prison, he has now become the Lord's free man.

The circle of people that God calls me to help set free just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

I had this image in prayer a few weeks ago. You know the T-Shirt with a picture of Jesus on the cross with His hands stretched out and the caption reads: “He loved me so much He stretched out His hands and died?”

I love that image. Through the course of my Christian ministry, I have seen those arms of Jesus stretch wider and wider to Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians, Jews, blacks, rich, poor, prisoner, and women. And now, because the head of my Congregation in GR is openly gay, I get to work setting gays and lesbians from from oppression. It is biblical.

All of this, Pete, is my calling. I am sorry this passion offends you. I am reminded that some of the things that have offended me most are the things that have also changed me the most and there was someone there for me loving me enough to sharpen me.

Here is what I think is the biggest crack in my armor and perhaps the biggest area to which I am blind. I can succinctly say that the entire teaching of the Bible is this: “Love God and do that by loving others.” Jesus said that His disciples would be known by the way that they love people. I have not experienced that in the evangelical church of my upbringing and I am convinced that it is the result of Imperialistic/Dominion theological conditioning brought about by the King James Translation which justified Imperialism. It is pretty simple principle for them: since they were “the righteous in God's” eyes they did not have to be just people.

SO, I take a big exception to any Christian form of rationalization/ justification of unrestrained Capitalism as some sort of moral force for good and the the markets are moral and people will eventually figure out abusive markets and stay away from them.

No. That is based on Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest applied to economics. When it is applied to economics, it violates the clear principles set forth in Scripture. In Darwin's system, a person who starves to death dies because of the evolutionary principle that since they can't compete, they die off.

Obviously you see the Biblical inconsistency. Jesus quotes Deut when He says: “The poor you will always have with you.” The Deut reference goes on to say: “Take care of them, they are your responsibility.” And the plethora of Jesus teaching is centered on taking care of the least of these and loving everyone as we love ourselves and treating people the way we want to be treated, which is oftentimes better that we treat ourselves, isn't that what “pressed down, good measure, running over means?”

Pete, I understand the critical voice that I say these things with. I am truly sorry for saying it with such importune candor. Maybe I am just whining at the price I have paid for my faith and I want some credit for it. But the absurdity of it all makes me wonder if I need to be a louder prophet.

I have my doubts. Serious ones. For example, what good, though, is an angry prophet if no one is listening?

Isn't a gentle Shepherd more effective? ...I don't know. God has not been gentle with me for God's purpose and I belong to God. I serve at God's pleasure and discretion.

And the one about the angry prophet that is not listened to, if indeed that is my lot in life, spells true judgment for Western Christianity if it does not repent of its materialism.

At this point, it seems as if it is one or the other. I desperately wish for a third option that brings a true Isaiah 58 revival of justice and mercy.

And again, I am sorry for lumping you into a category of unloving, unChristlike actions. It was not Christ like for me to do that and I repent and ask your forgiveness again.

I just have one question for you: 1). Why do Christian Republicans constantly have to defend their love for the poor when Christian Democrats don't?



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